
Water-soluble polymers play a crucial role in the dredging industry, serving as effective thickeners to enhance the efficiency of the dredging process.  These organic polymers provide a full spectrum of applications, including acting as flocculants and coagulants to aid solid/liquid separation in thickeners applications.  In addition, they also optimize overflow clarity and water reclaim for returning to source water bodies, and improve underflow density for tails treatment and disposal.

Organic Polymers for Solid/Liquid Separation

Dredging involves the excavation of underwater sediments, which can result in a suspension of solids and water.  To separate this solid-liquid mixture, water-soluble polymers are utilized.  Acting as both flocculants and coagulants, these polymers encourage the aggregation of fine particles into larger masses, allowing for more manageable and effective separation.  The ability of these polymers to work in a variety of conditions make them highly versatile tools in the dredging process.


Optimizing Overflow Clarity and Water Reclaim

Another key function of water-soluble polymers in dredging operations is the optimization of overflow clarity.  The utilization of these polymers helps to reduce the turbidity of the water, enhancing its clarity.  This process not only ensures the safety and efficiency of the dredging operation, but also allows for a more environmentally friendly process, as the treated water can be reclaimed and safely returned to source water bodies.  This conservation and re-use of water resources are important for maintaining environmental sustainability.

Enhancing Underflow Density for Tails Treatment and Disposal

The dredging process can produce a significant amount of tailings, a waste product composed of fine particles.  These tailings must be appropriately managed and disposed of to mitigate potential environmental impacts.  Water-soluble polymers can optimize the density of the underflow, making the tailings more compact and thus easier to handle and dispose of.  With the right polymer treatment, these tailings can even be repurposed for other uses, such as in construction or land reclamation, thus transforming a waste product into a valuable resource.


Thickener Products for Dredging

Product CategoryDescription
FLOPAM™ FA, AHNon-ionic powder form flocculants used to enhance solid-liquid separation. Enhances and maximizes clean water reclamation and solids waste stream density. Ideal for bulk transportation.
FLOPAM™ EM, DW, SFCLiquid form flocculants used to enhance solid/liquid separation times and maximize clean water reclamation and solids waste stream density.
FLOMIN™ CA 100Used to destabilize solids suspended in slurries. Enhances the flocculation process, clean water reclamation, and solids waste stream density.
FLOQUAT™ TS, DBPowder form organic coagulants used to destabilize solids suspended in slurries. Enhances the flocculation process, clean water reclamation, and solids waste stream density. Often added directly to process streams with minimal mixing equipment needed.
FLOQUAT™ FLLiquid organic coagulant used to destabilize solids suspended in slurries. Enhances the flocculation process, clean water reclamation, and solids waste stream density. Often added directly to process streams with minimal mixing equipment needs.
FLOPAM™ FO, CBCationic powder form flocculants used to enhance solid/liquid separation, and maximize clean water reclamation and solids waste stream density.
FLOPAM™ AN (ATBS)Powder form flocculants designed for wider pH range. Enhances solid/liquid separation and maximizes clean water reclamation and solids waste stream density.
FLOPAM™ AN (Anionic Powder)Anionic powder form flocculants used to enhance solid/liquid separation and maximize clean water reclamation and solids waste stream density.
FLOBEADS™ ABBeaded powder form settling aids used to enhance solid/liquid separation and maximize clean water reclamation and solids waste stream density. Beaded products can reduce hydration times.
FLOPAM™ FAMAmphoteric powder form flocculants used to enhance solid/liquid separation and maximize clean water reclamation and solids waste stream density. Ideal for bulk transportation.
