When we collect your personal information, we always inform you of your rights and make it easy for you to exercise them.  Where possible, we also let you manage your preferences about how much information you choose to share with us, or our partners.

SNF  has not sold, does not sell, and does not intend to sell, rent, release, disclose, disseminate, make available, transfer, or otherwise communicate orally, in writing, or by electronic or other means, a consumer’s personal information for monetary or other valuable consideration.  Please see SNF’s Privacy Policy for more information.

Under the guidelines of The California Consumer Privacy Act, California residents are afforded the opportunity to opt-out of allowing SNF to share personal information, if SNF deems it necessary to do so in the future.

California Residents: Please complete the form below if you wish to opt-out.

I am a (an)(Nécessaire)


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